Google's Helpful Content Update Will Elevate Your SEO Strategy To The Next Level - MRS Digital Media

Google’s Helpful Content Update Will Elevate Your SEO Strategy To The Next Level

Google's Helpful Content Update Will Elevate Your SEO Strategy To The Next Level

Many digital marketing strategies include highlighting SEO techniques, keyword use, placement, and more throughout your website content. Properly executed SEO keywords will usually garner pleasant results. 

Search engines will know if the content you’re publishing is regurgitated, and visitors will know if the content they’re consuming is unhelpful or confusing. Google said, “content created primarily for search engine traffic is strongly correlated with content that searchers find unsatisfying.” As a result, Google has implemented Helpful Content Updates, revised monthly with new information, so your business is constantly publishing high-quality content for your visitors. Here’s how you can utilize Google’s Helpful Content Update.

Google’s Helpful Content Update: August

August’s main takeaway from Google’s Helpful Content Update was the emphasis on creating “people-first content.” Simply put, Google recommends that you prioritize their guidelines and long-standing advice over traditional SEO best practices. Google now has the ability to analyze your content and see if it was made for “people” or “search engines,” as per their terms. They want you to inform your audience and create authentic audience retention.

They also updated their structured data in August. Product reviews are now highlighted in your search engine results. A new visitor will immediately see a review that Google deemed “most helpful” for visitors to understand your business. Using the Rich Results Tool, you can double-check for accuracy. That way, you have control over which structured data, such as reviews, are presented to new visitors.

Google’s Helpful Content Update: September

Recently, Google added an HTTPS Report system to complement their Page Experience Report system. The former focuses on how websites can be optimized for the best user experience. The latter focuses on your HTTPS pages, citing issues that need to be fixed, and provides sample URLs.

Now, Google has expanded its resources from the Merchant Center to all Business Account holders. New structured data, like product snippets and merchant listing experiences, optimize your website for technical SEO success. These resources were previously only made available to a select group of users. This expansion enables entrepreneurs across the board to enhance their SEO strategy.

How To Use The Helpful Content Updates Within Your Website

Focus on creating “people-first content.” From the beginning of your business, publish content you are proud of. This content should be free of word stuffing; you should never aim to publish content that gets the best score on SurferSEO.Aim to reach organic leads and nurture them into long-term fans.

Visitors should leave your website feeling like they learned something new from your content.

We recommend conducting thorough, site-wide content audits. This way, you can update your content as needed, based on the information that Google provides with their monthly Helpful Content Updates.

Deleting, changing, and optimizing your content with these techniques frequently will not hinder your SERP standing. Instead, it will make it easier for “crawlers” to dig through and improve your results over time.

Remember, your relationship with your audience should always be built upon a foundation of mutual trust. You both should be benefiting from your exchanges. One of the easiest ways to begin building a trustworthy business is by optimizing your content for the user’s experience versus solely focusing on traditional SEO best practices. Finding a balance between the two will come with time! If you’d like help optimizing your content based on Google’s Helpful Content Updates, please Contact Us today. The experts at MRS Digital Media are always here to help you take your site to the next level!